Under Review
- Reschechtko, S., Pangan, W. R., Zadeh, R.Z., Pruszynski, J.A. Single-shot detection of microscale tactile features. bioRxiv 2024.09.03.610877 [LINK]
- Koch, N.A., Corrigan, B.W., Feyerabend, M., Gulli, R.A. Jimenez-Sosa, M.S., Abbass, M., Sunstrum, J.K., Matovic, S., Roussy, M., Luna, R., Mestern, S.A., Mahmoudian, B., Vijayraghavan, S., Igarashi, H., Pradeepan, K.S., Assis, W.J., Pruszynski, J.A., Tripthay, S., Staiger, J.F., Gonzalez-Burgos, G., Neef, A., Treue, S., Everling, S., Inoue, W., Khadra, A., Martinez-Trujillo, J.C. Spike frequency adaptation in primate lateral prefrontal cortex neurons results from interplay between intrinsic properties and circuit dynamics. bioRxiv 2024.09.03.610998 [LINK].
- Shahbazi, M., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. Repetition effects reveal the sub-sequence representation of actions. bioRxiv 2024.08.07.607016 [LINK]
- Guang, H., Nashed, J.Y., Pruszynski, J.A., Kalidindi, H.T., Crevecoeur, F., Cross, K.P., Blohm, G., Scott, S.H. Parallel feedback processing for voluntary control: knowledge of spinal feedback in motor cortex. bioRxiv 2024.05.12.593756 [LINK]
- Shahbazi, M., Ariani, G., Kashefi, M., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2024) Neural correlates of online action preparation. Journal of Neuroscience 44 (22) e1880232024 [LINK]
- Kashefi, M., Reschechtko, S., Ariani, G., Shahbazi, M., Tan, A., Diedrichsen, J., Pruszynski, J.A. (2024) Future movement plans interact in sequential arm movements. eLife 13:RP94485 [LINK]
- Ahmed A., Al-Khatib A., Boum Y., Debat H., Gurmendi Dunkelberg A., Hinchliffe L.J., Jarrad F., Mastroianni A., Mineault P., Pennington C.R., Pruszynski J.A. (2023) The future of academic publishing. Nature Human Behaviour. Editorial. [LINK]
- Chung, B., Zia, M., Thomas, K., Michaels, J.A., Jacob, A., Pack, A., Williams, M., Nagapudi, K., Teng L.H., Arrambide, E., Ouellette, L., Oey, N., Gibbs, R., Anschutz, P., Lu, J., Wu, Y., Kashefi, M., Oya, T., Kersten, R., Mosberger, A.C., O`Connell, S., Wang, R., Marques, H.G., Mendes, A.P., Lenschow, C., Kondakath, G., Kim, J.J., Olson, W., Quinn, K., Perkins, P., Gatto, G., Thanawalla, A.R., Coltman, S.K., Kim, T., Smith, T.S., Binder-Markey, B., Zaback, M., Thompson, C.K., Giszter, S., Person, A., Goulding, M., Azim, E., Thakor, N., O`Connor, D., Trimmer, B., Lima, S.Q., Carey, M.R., Pandarinath, C., Costa, R.M., Pruszynski, J.A., Bakir, M., Sober, S.J. (2023) Myomatrix arrays for high-definition muscle recording. eLife 12:RP88551 [LINK].
- Cecala, A.L., Kozak, R.A., Pruszynski, J.A., Corneil, B.D. (2023) Done in 65 ms: Express visuomotor responses in upper limb muscles in Rhesus Macaques. eNeuro 10 (8) [LINK]
- Reschechtko, S., Gnanaseelan, C., Pruszynski, J.A. (2023) Reach corrections toward moving targets are faster than reach corrections toward jumping targets. Neuroscience 526: 135-143 [LINK]
- Codol, O., Michaels, J.A., Kashefi, M., Pruszynski, J.A., Gribble, P.L. (2023) MotorNet: a Python toolbox for controlling differentiable biomechanical effectors with artificial neural networks. eLife 12:RP88591 [LINK].
- Codol, O., Kashefi, M., Forgaard, C.J., Galea, J.M., Pruszynski, J.A., Gribble, P.L. (2023). Sensorimotor feedback loops are selectively sensitive to reward. eLife 12:e81325. [LINK].
- Sukumar, V., Johansson, R.S., Pruszynski, J.A. (2022) Precise and stable edge orientation signaling by human first-order tactile neurons. eLife 11:e81476. [LINK].
- Arbuckle, S.A., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2022) Mapping the integration of sensory information across fingers in human sensorimotor cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 42: 5173-5185. [LINK]
- Ariani, G., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2022) Motor planning brings human primary somatosensory cortex into movement-specific preparatory states. eLife 11:e69517. [LINK]
- Ariani, G., Kordjazi, N., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2021). The planning horizon for movement sequences. eNeuro 8(2). [LINK]
- Jarocka, E., Pruszynski, J.A., Johansson, R.S (2021). Human first-order tactile neurons can resolve spatial details on the scale of single fingerprint ridges. Journal of Neuroscience 41: 3622-3634. [LINK]
- Weiler, J., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2021). Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient control of reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology 125: 1339-1347. [LINK]
- Forgaard C.J., Reschechtko S., Gribble P.L., Pruszynski J.A.. (2021, Review) Skin and muscle receptors shape coordinated fast feedback responses in the upper limb. Current Opinion in Physiology 20: 198-205. [LINK]
- Fox A.S., Holley D., Klink P.C., Arbuckle S.A., Barnes C., Diedrichsen J., Kwok S.C., Kyle C., Pruszynski J.A., Seidlitz J., Zhou X-F, Poldrack R.A., Gorgolewski K.J. (2021) Sharing voxelwise neuroimaging results from rhesus monkeys and other species with Neurovault. Neuroimage 225: 117518. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Kersten, R., Pruszynski, J.A. (2021) Shared internal models for feedforward and feedback control of arm dynamics in non-human primates. European Journal of Neuroscience 53:1605–1620. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020) Shared internal models between feedforward and feedback control. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior 14: 134-137. Review. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Zdybal, J.M., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020) Explicit feedback and instruction do not change shoulder muscle activity reduction after shoulder fixation. BioRxiv (doi: 10.1101/2020.03.25.008466) [LINK]
- Ćlery, J.C., Hori, Y., Schaeffer, D.J., Gati, J.S., Pruszynski, J.A., Everling, S. (2020) Whole brain mapping of somatosensory responses in awake marmosets investigated with ultra-high field fMRI. Journal of Neurophysiology 124: 1900-1913 [LINK]
- Hay, E., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020) Orientation processing by synaptic integration across first-order tactile neurons. PLoS Computational Biology 16: e1008303. [LINK]
- Arbuckle, S.A., Weiler, J., Kirk, E.A., Rice, C.L. Schieber, M.H., Pruszynski, J.A., Ejaz, N., Diedrichsen, J. (2020) Structure of population activity in primary motor cortex for single finger flexion and extension. Journal of Neuroscience 40: 9210-9223. [LINK]
- Reschechtko, S., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020, Review) Stretch reflexes. Current Biology 30: P1025-1030. [LINK]
- Reschechtko, S., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020) Voluntary modification of rapid tactile-motor responses during reaching differs from its visuo-motor counterpart. Journal of Neurophysiology 124: 284-294. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020) Learning new feedforward motor commands based on feedback responses. Current Biology 30: P1941-1948. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Zdbyal, J.M., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2020) Generalizing movement patterns following shoulder fixation. Journal of Neurophysiology 123: 1193-1205. [LINK]
- Hernandez-Castillo, C.R., Maeda, R.S., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2020) Sensory information from a slipping object elicits a rapid and automatic shoulder response. Journal of Neurophysiology 123: 1103-1112. [LINK]
- Weiler, J., Pruszynski, J.A. Somatosensory inputs for real-world hand control (2020, Book Chapter). The Cognitive Neurosciences (6th Edition). [LINK] [Book]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Zylberberg, J. (2019, Review) The language of the brain: real-world neural population codes. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 58: 30-36. [LINK]
- Reschechtko, S. Johansson, A.S., Pruszynski, J.A. (2019) Maintaining arm control during self-triggered and unpredictable unloading perturbations. European Journal of Neuroscience 50: 3531-3543. [LINK].
- Weiler, J., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2019) Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient hand control. Nature Neuroscience 22: 529–533. [LINK] [F1000 Review]
- Chambers, C.D., Forstmann, B., Pruszynski J.A. (2019, Commentary). Science in flux: Registered reports and beyond at the European Journal of Neuroscience. European Journal of Neuroscience 49: 4-5. [LINK]
- Gu, C., Pruszynski, J.A., Gribble, P.L., Corneil, B.D. (2019) A rapid visuomotor response on the human upper limb is selectively influenced by implicit, but not explicit, motor learning. Journal of Neurophysiology 121: 85-95. [LINK]
- Arbuckle, S.A., Yokoi, A., Pruszynski, J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2019) Stability of representational geometry across a wide range of fMRI activity levels. Neuroimage 186: 155-163. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Cluff, T., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2018) Feedforward and feedback control share an internal model of the arm’s dynamics. Journal of Neuroscience 38: 10505-10514. [LINK]
- Olczak, D., Sukumar, V., Pruszynski, J.A. (2018) Edge-orientation processing during active touch. Journal of Neurophysiology 120: 2423-2429. [LINK]
- Zhao, C.W., Daley, M.J., Pruszynski, J.A. (2018) Neural network models of the tactile system develop first-order units with spatially complex receptive fields. PLoS One 13(6): e0199196. [LINK]
- Gilbert K.M., Schaeffer D.J., Zeman P., Diedrichsen J., Everling S., Martinez-Trujillo J.C., Pruszynski J.A., Menon R.S. (2018). Concentric radiofrequency arrays to increase the statistical power of resting-state maps in monkeys. Neuroimage 178C:287-294. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Flanagan, J.R., Johansson, R.S. (2018). Fast and accurate edge orientation processing during manipulation. eLife 7:e31200. [LINK]
- Gu, C., Pruszynski, J.A., Gribble, P.L., Corneil, B.D. (2018). Done in 100 ms: Path-dependent visuomotor transformation in the human upper limb. Journal of Neurophysiology 119:1319-1328. [LINK]
- Weiler, J., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2018) Rapid feedback responses are flexibly coordinated across arm muscles to support goal-directed reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology 119: 537-547. [LINK]
- Maeda, R.S., Cluff, T., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2017) Compensating for intersegmental dynamics across the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints during feedforward and feedback control. Journal of Neurophysiology 118: 1984-1997. [LINK]
- Chambers, C.D., Forstmann, B., Pruszynski J.A. (2017, Commentary) Registered reports at the European Journal of Neuroscience: consolidating and extending peer‐reviewed study pre‐registration. European Journal of Neuroscience 45: 627-628. [LINK]
- Weiler, J., Saravanamuttu, J., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2016) Coordination of the long-latency stretch response across the shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Journal of Neurophysiology 116: 2236-2249. [LINK]
- Omrani, M., Murnaghan, C., Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2016). Distributed task-specific processing of somatosensory feedback for voluntary motor control. eLife 5:e13141. [LINK].
- Heming, E., Lillicrap, T.P., Herter, T.M., Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2016).Primary motor cortex neurons classified in a postural task predict muscle activation patterns in a reaching task. Journal of Neurophysiology 115: 2021-2031. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Johansson, R.S., Flanagan, J.R. (2016). A rapid tactile-motor reflex automatically guides reaching towards handheld objects. Current Biology 26: 788-792. [LINK]
- Weiler, J., Gribble, P.L., Pruszynski, J.A. (2015) Goal-dependent modulation of the long-latency stretch response at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Journal of Neurophysiology 114(6):3242-3254. [LINK]
- Pruszynski J.A., Diedrichsen, J. (2015, Commentary) Reading the mind to move the body. Science 348: 860-361. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Johansson, R.S. (2014) Edge-orientation processing in first-order tactile neurons. Nature Neuroscience 17(10):1404-9. [LINK] [News and Views] [F1000 Review].
- Omrani, M., Pruszynski, J.A., Murnaghan, C.D., Scott, S.H. (2014) Perturbation-evoked responses in primary motor cortex are modulated by behavioural context. Journal of Neurophysiology 112(11):2985-3000. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A. (2014, Review) Primary motor cortex and fast feedback responses to mechanical perturbations: a primer on what we know now and some suggestions on what we should find out next. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 8:72. [LINK]
- Johansson, A.S., Pruszynski, J.A., Edin, B.B., Westberg, K-G. (2014) Biting intentions modulate the human jaw-opening reflex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112(5):1067-73 [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Omrani, M., Scott, S.H. (2014) Goal-dependent modulation of fast feedback responses in primary motor cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 34(13):4608-4617. [LINK]
- Nordmark, P.F., Pruszynski, J.A., Johansson, R.S. (2012). BOLD responses to tactile stimuli in visual and auditory cortex depend on the frequency content of stimulation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24: 2120-34. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2012, Review). Optimal feedback control and the long-latency stretch response. Experimental Brain Research 218:341-59. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, JA, Kurtzer, I., Nashed, JY, Omrani, M., Brouwer, B., Scott, SH (2011). Primary motor cortex underlies multi-joint integration for fast feedback control. Nature 468: 387-390. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Kurtzer, I., Scott, S.H. (2011). The long-latency reflex is composed of at least two functionally independent processes. Journal of Neurophysiology 106: 449-459. [LINK]
- Yang, L., Michaels, J.A., Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2011) Rapid motor responses quickly integrate visuospatial task constraints. Experimental Brain Research 211: 231-242. [LINK]
- Pruszynski J.A., King, G.L., Boisse, L. Scott, S.H., Flanagan, J.R., Munoz, D.P. (2010). Stimulus-locked responses on human arm muscles reveal a rapid neural pathway linking visual input to arm motor output. European Journal of Neuroscience 32: 1049-1057 [LINK] [F1000 Review].
- Kurtzer, I., Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2010). Long-latency and voluntary responses to an arm displacement can be rapidly attenuated by perturbation offset. Journal of Neurophysiology 103: 3195-3204. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Lillicrap, T.P., Scott, S.H. (2010). Complex spatio-temporal tuning in human upper-limb muscles. Journal of Neurophysiology 103: 564-572. [LINK] [F1000 Review]
- Kurtzer, I., Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2009). Long-latency responses during reaching account for the mechanical interaction between the shoulder and elbow joints. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 3004-3015. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Kurtzer, I., Lillicrap, T.P., Scott, S.H. (2009). Temporal evolution of 'automatic gain-scaling'. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 992-1003. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Kurtzer, I., Scott, S.H. (2008). Rapid motor responses are appropriately tuned to the metrics of a visuo-spatial task. Journal of Neurophysiology 100: 224-238. [LINK]
- Kurtzer, I., Pruszynski, J.A., Scott, S.H. (2008) Long-latency reflexes of the human arm reflect an internal model of limb dynamics. Current Biology 18: 449-453. [LINK]
- Pruszynski, J.A., Codderre, A.M., Lillicrap T.P., Kurtzer, I. (2007, Review) Temporal encoding of movement in motor cortical neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 10076-7. [LINK]
- Kurtzer, I., Pruszynski, J.A., Herter, T.M., Scott, S.H. (2006) Primate upper limb muscles exhibit activity patterns that differ from their anatomical action during a postural task. Journal of Neurophysiology 95:493-504. [LINK]